Class AuthenticationToken

  • public class AuthenticationToken
    extends Object

    An authentication token (or "provider authentication token" or "provider token" in Apple's terminology) is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that contains cryptographically-signed claims about the identity of the sender that can be used by APNs clients in lieu of mutual TLS authentication to authenticate with an APNs server. Authentication tokens contain "claims" that identify the development team sending push notifications as well as the specific key used to sign the token.

    When clients use token-based authentication, they send an authentication token with each push notification. Tokens may expire, in which case clients must discard the old token and generate a new one. Callers generally do not need to interact with authentication tokens directly; ApnsClient instances using token-based authentication will manage authentication tokens automatically.

    Tokens may be constructed from an ApnsSigningKey (for clients sending notifications) or from a Base64-encoded JWT string (for servers verifying a token from a client).

    Authentication tokens are immutable and thread-safe.

    See Also:
    Establishing a Token-Based Connection to APNs, RFC 7519 - JSON Web Token (JWT), ApnsClientBuilder.setSigningKey(ApnsSigningKey)
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticationToken

        public AuthenticationToken​(String base64EncodedToken)
        Constructs a new authentication token from a Base64-encoded JWT string. Note that successfully creating a token from an encoded string does not imply that the token is valid.
        base64EncodedToken - a Base64-encoded JWT string
    • Method Detail

      • getIssuedAt

        public Date getIssuedAt()
        Returns the time at which this token was issued.
        the time at which this token was issued
      • getKeyId

        public String getKeyId()
        Returns the Apple-issued ID of the key used to sign this token.
        the Apple-issued ID of the key used to sign this token
      • getTeamId

        public String getTeamId()
        Returns the Apple-issued ID of the team to which this authentication token's key pair belongs.
        the Apple-issued ID of the team to which this authentication token's key pair belongs
      • getAuthorizationHeader

        public AsciiString getAuthorizationHeader()
        Returns a complete APNs authorization header value (i.e. "bearer [token]") for this authentication token.
        a complete APNs authorization header value for this authentication token
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a Base64-encoded JWT representation of this authentication token.
        toString in class Object
        a Base64-encoded JWT representation of this authentication token
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object