Class ApnsVerificationKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, ECKey, ECPublicKey, Key, PublicKey

    public class ApnsVerificationKey
    extends Object
    implements ECPublicKey

    A public key used to verify authentication tokens. Signing keys are associated with a developer team (in Apple's parlance), and can be used to sign authentication tokens for any topic associated with that team.

    Callers generally won't need to use this class outside of the context of integration tests. In almost all cases, callers will want to use an ApnsSigningKey to provide signing credentials to an ApnsClient.

    Verification keys are immutable and thread-safe.

    Jon Chambers
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ApnsVerificationKey

        public ApnsVerificationKey​(String keyId,
                                   String teamId,
                                   ECPublicKey key)
                            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
        Constructs a new verification key with the given key identifier, team identifier, and elliptic curve private key.
        keyId - the ten-character, Apple-issued identifier for the key itself
        teamId - the ten-character, Apple-issued identifier for the team to which the key belongs
        key - the elliptic curve private key underpinning this signing key
        NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the "SHA256withECDSA" algorith is not supported by the JVM
        InvalidKeyException - if the given elliptic curve private key is invalid for any reason
    • Method Detail

      • getEncoded

        public byte[] getEncoded()
        Specified by:
        getEncoded in interface Key
      • loadFromPkcs8File

        public static ApnsVerificationKey loadFromPkcs8File​(File pkcs8File,
                                                            String teamId,
                                                            String keyId)
                                                     throws IOException,
        Loads a verification key from the given PKCS#8 file.
        pkcs8File - the file from which to load the key
        teamId - the ten-character, Apple-issued identifier for the team to which the key belongs
        keyId - the ten-character, Apple-issued identitifier for the key itself
        an APNs verification key with the given key ID and associated with the given team
        IOException - if a key could not be loaded from the given file for any reason
        NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the JVM does not support elliptic curve keys
        InvalidKeyException - if the loaded key is invalid for any reason
      • loadFromInputStream

        public static ApnsVerificationKey loadFromInputStream​(InputStream inputStream,
                                                              String teamId,
                                                              String keyId)
                                                       throws IOException,
        Loads a verification key from the given input stream.
        inputStream - the input stream from which to load the key
        teamId - the ten-character, Apple-issued identifier for the team to which the key belongs
        keyId - the ten-character, Apple-issued identitifier for the key itself
        an APNs verification key with the given key ID and associated with the given team
        IOException - if a key could not be loaded from the given file for any reason
        NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the JVM does not support elliptic curve keys
        InvalidKeyException - if the loaded key is invalid for any reason
      • getKeyId

        public String getKeyId()
        Returns the Apple-issued identifier for this key.
        the Apple-issued identifier for this key
      • getTeamId

        public String getTeamId()
        Returns the Apple-issued identifier for the team that owns this key.
        the Apple-issued identifier for the team that owns this key