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addCustomProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Adds a custom property to the payload.
ALTERNATE_APNS_PORT - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
An alternative port for communication with the APNs gateway.
APNS_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsKey
ApnsClient - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns
An APNs client sends push notifications to the APNs gateway.
ApnsClientBuilder - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns
An ApnsClientBuilder constructs new ApnsClient instances.
ApnsClientBuilder() - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
ApnsClientMetricsListener - Interface in com.turo.pushy.apns
A metrics listener receives events from an ApnsClient that can be used to measure the performance and behavior of the client.
ApnsKey - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.auth
A key used for signing or verifying APNs authentication tokens.
ApnsKey(String, String, ECKey) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsKey
Constructs a new APNs key with the given identifiers and underlying elliptic curve key.
ApnsPayloadBuilder - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.util
A utility class for constructing JSON payloads suitable for inclusion in APNs push notifications.
ApnsPayloadBuilder() - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
ApnsPushNotification - Interface in com.turo.pushy.apns
A push notification that can be sent through the Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
ApnsServerException - Exception in com.turo.pushy.apns
An exception that indicates that a push notification could not be sent due to an upstream server error.
ApnsServerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsServerException
Constructs a new APNs server exception.
ApnsSigningKey - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.auth
A private key used to sign authentication tokens.
ApnsSigningKey(String, String, ECPrivateKey) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsSigningKey
Constructs a new signing key with the given key identifier, team identifier, and elliptic curve private key.
ApnsVerificationKey - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.auth
A public key used to verify authentication tokens.
ApnsVerificationKey(String, String, ECPublicKey) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey
Constructs a new verification key with the given key identifier, team identifier, and elliptic curve private key.
AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer


build() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Constructs a new ApnsClient with the previously-set configuration.
build() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Constructs a new MockApnsServer with the previously-set configuration.
buildWithDefaultMaximumLength() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Returns a JSON representation of the push notification payload under construction.
buildWithMaximumLength(int) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Returns a JSON representation of the push notification payload under construction.


clearTokens() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer
Unregisters all tokens from this server.
ClientNotConnectedException - Exception in com.turo.pushy.apns
An exception thrown to indicate that a notification could not be sent because the client was not connected.
ClientNotConnectedException() - Constructor for exception com.turo.pushy.apns.ClientNotConnectedException
Constructs a new exception with no message.
ClientNotConnectedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.turo.pushy.apns.ClientNotConnectedException
Constructs a new exception with the given message.
com.turo.pushy.apns - package com.turo.pushy.apns
Contains classes and interfaces for interacting with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
com.turo.pushy.apns.auth - package com.turo.pushy.apns.auth
Contains classes for working with APNs keys.
com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy - package com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy
Contains classes and interfaces for working with proxies.
com.turo.pushy.apns.util - package com.turo.pushy.apns.util
Contains classes for working with APNs tokens and payloads.
connect(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
Connects to the given APNs gateway on the default (HTTPS) port ().
connect(String, int) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
Connects to the given APNs gateway on the given port.
createProxyHandler() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.HttpProxyHandlerFactory
createProxyHandler() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.ProxyHandlerFactory
Constructs a new proxy handler.
createProxyHandler() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.Socks4ProxyHandlerFactory
createProxyHandler() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.Socks5ProxyHandlerFactory


DEFAULT_APNS_PORT - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
The default (HTTPS) port for communication with the APNs gateway.
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_SIZE - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
The default maximum size, in bytes, for a push notification payload.
DEFAULT_PING_IDLE_TIME_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
The default idle time in milliseconds after which the client will send a PING frame to the APNs server.
DEFAULT_SOUND_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
The name of the iOS default push notification sound ().
DeliveryPriority - Enum in com.turo.pushy.apns
An enumeration of delivery priorities for APNs push notifications.
DEVELOPMENT_APNS_HOST - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
The hostname for the development APNs gateway.
disconnect() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
Gracefully disconnects from the APNs gateway.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification


getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsSigningKey
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey
getCollapseId() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsPushNotification
Returns an optional identifier for this notification that allows this notification to supersede previous notifications or to be superseded by later notifications with the same identifier.
getCollapseId() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Returns the "collapse ID" for this push notification, which allows it to supersede or be superseded by other notifications with the same ID.
getEncoded() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsSigningKey
getEncoded() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey
getExpiration() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsPushNotification
Returns the time at which Apple's push notification service should stop trying to deliver this push notification.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Returns the time at which this push notification is no longer valid and should no longer be delivered.
getFormat() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsSigningKey
getFormat() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey
getKey() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey
getKeyId() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsKey
Returns the Apple-issued identifier for this key.
getParams() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsKey
getPayload() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsPushNotification
Returns the JSON-encoded payload of this push notification.
getPayload() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Returns the payload to include in this push notification.
getPriority() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsPushNotification
Returns the priority with which this push notification should be sent to the receiving device.
getPriority() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Returns the priority with which this push notification should be delivered to the receiving device.
getPushNotification() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.PushNotificationResponse
Returns the original push notification sent to the APNs gateway.
getReconnectionFuture() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
Returns a Future that will succeed when the client has re-established a connection to the APNs gateway.
getRejectionReason() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.PushNotificationResponse
Returns the reason for rejection reported by the APNs gateway.
getS() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsSigningKey
getTeamId() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsKey
Returns the Apple-issued identifier for the team that owns this key.
getToken() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsPushNotification
Returns the token of the device to which this push notification is to be sent.
getToken() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Returns the token of the device to which this push notification should be delivered.
getTokenInvalidationTimestamp() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.PushNotificationResponse
If the sent push notification was rejected because the destination token is no longer valid, returns the most recent time at which the APNs gateway confirmed that the token is no longer valid.
getTopic() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsPushNotification
Returns the topic to which this notification should be sent.
getTopic() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Returns the topic to which this push notification should be sent.
getW() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey


handleConnectionAttemptFailed(ApnsClient) - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientMetricsListener
Indicates that a previously-started connection attempt failed.
handleConnectionAttemptStarted(ApnsClient) - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientMetricsListener
Indicates that the client has started an attempt to connect to an APNs server.
handleConnectionAttemptSucceeded(ApnsClient) - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientMetricsListener
Indicates that a previously-started connection attempt completed successfully.
handleNotificationAccepted(ApnsClient, long) - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientMetricsListener
Indicates that a notification that was previously sent to an APNs server was accepted by the server.
handleNotificationRejected(ApnsClient, long) - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientMetricsListener
Indicates that a notification that was previously sent to an APNs server was rejected by the server.
handleNotificationSent(ApnsClient, long) - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientMetricsListener
Indicates that a notification was sent to the APNs server.
handleWriteFailure(ApnsClient, long) - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientMetricsListener
Indicates that an attempt to send a push notification failed before the notification was processed by the APNs server.
hashCode() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
HttpProxyHandlerFactory - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy
A concrete ProxyHandlerFactory implementation that creates HttpProxyHandler instances.
HttpProxyHandlerFactory(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.HttpProxyHandlerFactory
Creates a new proxy handler factory that will create HTTP proxy handlers that use the proxy at the given address and that will not perform authentication.
HttpProxyHandlerFactory(SocketAddress, String, String) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.HttpProxyHandlerFactory
Creates a new proxy handler factory that will create HTTP proxy handlers that use the proxy at the given address and that will authenticate with the given username and password.


isAccepted() - Method in interface com.turo.pushy.apns.PushNotificationResponse
Indicates whether the push notification was accepted by the APNs gateway.
isConnected() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
Indicates whether this client is connected to the APNs gateway and ready to send push notifications.


loadFromInputStream(InputStream, String, String) - Static method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsSigningKey
Loads a signing key from the given input stream.
loadFromInputStream(InputStream, String, String) - Static method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey
Loads a verification key from the given input stream.
loadFromPkcs8File(File, String, String) - Static method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsSigningKey
Loads a signing key from the given PKCS#8 file.
loadFromPkcs8File(File, String, String) - Static method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.auth.ApnsVerificationKey
Loads a verification key from the given PKCS#8 file.


MockApnsServer - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns
A mock APNs server emulates the behavior of a real APNs server (but doesn't actually deliver notifications to their destinations).
MockApnsServerBuilder - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns
A MockApnsServerBuilder constructs new MockApnsServer instances.
MockApnsServerBuilder() - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder


PRODUCTION_APNS_HOST - Static variable in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
The hostname for the production APNs gateway.
ProxyHandlerFactory - Interface in com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy
A proxy handler factory creates proxy handlers for use in an ApnsClient's pipeline.
PushNotificationResponse<T extends ApnsPushNotification> - Interface in com.turo.pushy.apns
A response from the APNs gateway indicating whether a notification was accepted or rejected.
PushNotificationStillPendingException - Exception in com.turo.pushy.apns
An exception that indicates that an attempt to send a notification failed because the same notification has already been sent, but has not yet been resolved.
PushNotificationStillPendingException() - Constructor for exception com.turo.pushy.apns.PushNotificationStillPendingException


registerDeviceTokenForTopic(String, String, Date) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer
Registers a new token for a specific topic.
registerVerificationKey(ApnsVerificationKey, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer
Registers a public key for verifying authentication tokens for the given topics.
registerVerificationKey(ApnsVerificationKey, String...) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer
Registers a public key for verifying authentication tokens for the given topics.


sanitizeTokenString(String) - Static method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.TokenUtil
Returns a "sanitized" version of the given token string suitable for sending to an APNs server.
sendNotification(T) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClient
Sends a push notification to the APNs gateway.
setActionButtonLabel(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the literal text of the action button to be shown for the push notification for Safari push notifications only.
setAlertBody(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the literal text of the alert message to be shown for the push notification.
setAlertSubtitle(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets a subtitle for the notification.
setAlertTitle(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets a short description of the notification purpose.
setBadgeNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the number to display as the badge of the icon of the application that receives the push notification.
setCategoryName(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the name of the action category name for interactive remote notifications.
setClientCredentials(File, String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the TLS credentials for the client under construction using the contents of the given PKCS#12 file.
setClientCredentials(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the TLS credentials for the client under construction using the data from the given PKCS#12 input stream.
setClientCredentials(X509Certificate, PrivateKey, String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the TLS credentials for the client under construction.
setConnectionTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the client under construction will wait to establish a connection with the APNs server before the connection attempt is considered a failure.
setContentAvailable(boolean) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets whether the payload under construction should contain a flag that indicates that new content is available to be downloaded in the background by the receiving app.
setEmulateExpiredFirstToken(boolean) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets whether the server under construction should reject the first notification received as if its token had expired.
setEmulateInternalErrors(boolean) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets whether the server under construction should respond to all notifications with an internal server error.
setEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the event loop group to be used by the client under construction.
setEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets the event loop group to be used by the server under construction.
setGracefulShutdownTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the amount of time clients should wait for in-progress requests to complete before closing a connection during a graceful shutdown.
setIdlePingInterval(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the amount of idle time (in milliseconds) after which the client under construction will send a PING frame to the APNs server.
setLaunchImageFileName(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the image to be shown when the receiving app launches in response to this push notification.
setLocalizedActionButtonKey(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the key of a string in the receiving app's localized string list to be used as the label of the "action" button if the push notification is displayed as an alert.
setLocalizedAlertMessage(String, String...) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the key of a message in the receiving app's localized string list to be shown for the push notification.
setLocalizedAlertSubtitle(String, String...) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the key of the subtitle string in the receiving app's localized string list to be shown for the push notification.
setLocalizedAlertTitle(String, String...) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the key of the title string in the receiving app's localized string list to be shown for the push notification.
setMetricsListener(ApnsClientMetricsListener) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the metrics listener for the client under construction.
setMutableContent(boolean) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets whether the receiving device may modify the content of the push notification before displaying it.
setPreferStringRepresentationForAlerts(boolean) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets whether this payload builder will attempt to represent alerts as strings when possible.
setProxyHandlerFactory(ProxyHandlerFactory) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the proxy handler factory to be used to construct proxy handlers when establishing a new connection to the APNs gateway.
setServerCredentials(File, File, String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets the credentials for the server under construction using the certificates in the given PEM file and the private key in the given PKCS#8 file.
setServerCredentials(InputStream, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets the credentials for the server under construction using the certificates in the given PEM input stream and the private key in the given PKCS#8 input stream.
setServerCredentials(X509Certificate[], PrivateKey, String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets the credentials for the server under construction.
setShowActionButton(boolean) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets whether an "action" button should be shown if the push notification is displayed as an alert.
setSigningKey(ApnsSigningKey) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the signing key for the client under construction.
setSoundFileName(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the name of the sound file to play when the push notification is received.
setThreadId(String) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the thread ID for this notification.
setTrustedClientCertificateChain(File) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets the trusted certificate chain for the server under construction using the contents of the given PEM file.
setTrustedClientCertificateChain(InputStream) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets the trusted certificate chain for the server under construction using the contents of the given PEM input stream.
setTrustedServerCertificateChain(File) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the trusted certificate chain for the client under construction using the contents of the given PEM file.
setTrustedServerCertificateChain(InputStream) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the trusted certificate chain for the client under construction using the contents of the given PEM input stream.
setTrustedServerCertificateChain(X509Certificate...) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.ApnsClientBuilder
Sets the trusted certificate chain for the client under construction.
setTrustedServerCertificateChain(X509Certificate...) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServerBuilder
Sets the trusted certificate chain for the server under construction.
setUrlArguments(List<String>) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the list of arguments to populate placeholders in the urlFormatString associated with a Safari push notification.
setUrlArguments(String...) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder
Sets the list of arguments to populate placeholders in the urlFormatString associated with a Safari push notification.
shutdown() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer
Shuts down this server and releases the port to which this server was bound.
SimpleApnsPushNotification - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.util
A simple and immutable implementation of the ApnsPushNotification interface.
SimpleApnsPushNotification(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, and payload.
SimpleApnsPushNotification(String, String, String, Date) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, and expiration time.
SimpleApnsPushNotification(String, String, String, Date, DeliveryPriority) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, and delivery priority.
SimpleApnsPushNotification(String, String, String, Date, DeliveryPriority, String) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification
Constructs a new push notification with the given token, topic, payload, delivery expiration time, delivery priority, and "collapse identifier."
Socks4ProxyHandlerFactory - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy
A concrete ProxyHandlerFactory implementation that creates Socks4ProxyHandler instances.
Socks4ProxyHandlerFactory(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.Socks4ProxyHandlerFactory
Creates a new proxy handler factory that will create SOCKS4 proxy handlers that use the proxy at the given address and that will not perform authentication.
Socks4ProxyHandlerFactory(SocketAddress, String) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.Socks4ProxyHandlerFactory
Creates a new proxy handler factory that will create SOCKS4 proxy handlers that use the proxy at the given address and that will authenticate with the given username and password.
Socks5ProxyHandlerFactory - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy
A concrete ProxyHandlerFactory implementation that creates Socks5ProxyHandler instances.
Socks5ProxyHandlerFactory(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.Socks5ProxyHandlerFactory
Creates a new proxy handler factory that will create SOCKS5 proxy handlers that use the proxy at the given address and that will not perform authentication.
Socks5ProxyHandlerFactory(SocketAddress, String, String) - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.proxy.Socks5ProxyHandlerFactory
Creates a new proxy handler factory that will create SOCKS5 proxy handlers that use the proxy at the given address and that will authenticate with the given username and password.
start(int) - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer
Starts this mock server and listens for traffic on the given port.


TokenUtil - Class in com.turo.pushy.apns.util
A utility class for processing APNs token strings.
TokenUtil() - Constructor for class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.TokenUtil
toString() - Method in class com.turo.pushy.apns.util.SimpleApnsPushNotification


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.turo.pushy.apns.DeliveryPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.turo.pushy.apns.DeliveryPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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