All Classes and Interfaces

A factory for push notification handlers that unconditionally accept all push notifications.
An APNs client sends push notifications to the APNs gateway.
An ApnsClientBuilder constructs new ApnsClient instances.
A metrics listener receives events from an ApnsClient that can be used to measure the performance and behavior of the client.
A base utility class for constructing JSON payloads suitable for inclusion in APNs push notifications.
A push notification that can be sent through the Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
A private key used to sign authentication tokens.
A public key used to verify authentication tokens.
An authentication token (or "provider authentication token" or "provider token" in Apple's terminology) is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that contains cryptographically-signed claims about the identity of the sender that can be used by APNs clients in lieu of mutual TLS authentication to authenticate with an APNs server.
A simple HTTP/2 server designed to crudely emulate the behavior of a real APNs server as simply and quickly as possible.
A BenchmarkApnsServerBuilder constructs new BenchmarkApnsServer instances.
An enumeration of delivery priorities for APNs push notifications.
A concrete ProxyHandlerFactory implementation that creates HttpProxyHandler instances.
An enumeration of interruption levels that may be specified in a notification payload.
An extremely simple JSON parser that interprets JSON objects as Java primitives.
A JSON serializer is responsible for producing complete and legal JSON texts (objects or arrays).
An enumeration of accepted actions for Live Activity notification payloads.
A mock APNs server is an HTTP/2 server that can be configured to respond to APNs push notifications with a variety of behaviors.
A MockApnsServerBuilder constructs new MockApnsServer instances.
Mock APNs server listeners are notified when push notifications are accepted or rejected by a MockApnsServer.
A parsing APNs server listener is an abstract base class that parses HTTP/2 headers and payload byte buffers from a mock APNs server into ApnsPushNotification instances for easier handling.
A proxy handler factory creates proxy handlers for use in an ApnsClient's pipeline.
A push notification future represents the result an asynchronous operation on a ApnsPushNotification.
Push notification handlers process push notifications sent to a MockApnsServer and decide how the server should respond to those notifications.
A push notification handler factory constructs PushNotificationHandler instances when a mock APNs server accepts a new connection.
A response from the APNs gateway indicating whether a notification was accepted or rejected.
An enumeration of push notification display types.
An exception thrown by PushNotificationHandler instances to indicate that a push notification should be rejected by the server.
An enumeration of reasons a push notification may be rejected by an APNs server.
A simple APNs payload builder that serializes payloads using a JsonSerializer.
A simple and immutable implementation of the ApnsPushNotification interface.
A concrete ProxyHandlerFactory implementation that creates Socks4ProxyHandler instances.
A concrete ProxyHandlerFactory implementation that creates Socks5ProxyHandler instances.
A utility class for processing APNs token strings.
An exception thrown by PushNotificationHandler instances to indicate that a push notification should be rejected by the server because its destination device token is no longer valid (presumably because the receiving app has been removed from the destination device).
A push notification handler factory that constructs handlers that, to the extent possible, perform the same checks and validation steps as a real APNs server.